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Group Therapy - Adults

Personally and professionally I have seen immense growth from learning in a group environment. 

Boundaries and limits:

Many of us are unsure about when it is appropriate to say no and set limits. We want to have good relationships and grow, but we often find it difficult to take ownership of our choices, freedom, and responsibilities. This 8 week program may be useful if you ever find yourself wondering:  

▪  Can I set limits and still be a loving person? 

▪  What are appropriate boundaries? 

▪  What if saying “no” upset or hurts others? 

▪  Why do I feel guilty or afraid when I consider setting boundaries? 

▪  Are boundaries selfish? 

▪  Why is it difficult for me to hear no from people? 

▪  Why do I feel resentful and manipulated by others?

Developed by psychologists, Dr Henry Cloud and Dr John Townsend this group explores healthy boundaries: what they are, what they protect, how they are developed, how they are injured, how to repair them, and how to use them. The goal is to help you use healthy boundaries appropriately to achieve the relationships and purposes that are important to you.

Healthy Relationships

Healthy Relationships

This group aims to support you to close the door on past relationship hurts (from childhood and adulthood) and foster healthy relationships in your life now.

This group may be useful if you find yourself experiencing any of the following:

  • Withholding love, affection, sex, acknowledgement

  • Keeping quiet to avoid conflict

  • Hurting those you love the most

  • Not asking for what you want

  • Staying in a relationship you know you should leave

  • Can’t say NO without guilt or fear of rejection

  • Having trouble committing to a relationship

  • Compromising your values and views to ‘Keep the Peace’

  • Losing yourself in your relationships – feeling needy

  • Becoming disillusioned about finding a partner

I have developed this program based on Shirley Smith’s ‘Set yourself Free’ Series. 

Group Therapy: Services

Groups for Children and Carers

Social and Emotional Skills Group

These groups are designed specifically for children with Autism Spectrum Disorder.  Children with ASD can become very proficient in utilising new skills within their individual sessions however, they may still have difficulty translating these skills to their daily life.  Participation in a small group provides an opportunity to directly put skills to practice, with the benefit of a therapist scaffolding and supporting each step of the way.  Play and activities with other children are a wonderful 


Groups are made up of 3-5 participants selected and matched not only according to age but also in regards to their skill level and emotional needs.  These groups are a mix of structured activities and supported free play.  This offers a great opportunity to develop skills in the areas of friendships, emotional regulation, social problem solving and negotiation, following directions and team work.  The content of these groups is flexible and based on participant’s individual strengths and weaknesses. 

FUN FRIENDS – Ages 4 to 7 years

The Fun FRIENDS Program was developed by Dr Paula Barrett to help guide the social and emotional development of children aged 4 to 7 by using fun, play-based group activities. Fun FRIENDS nurtures the child’s development by teaching them to engage resilience early on, encouraging them to thrive and smoothly transition into school life.  Fun Friends is unique in that parents participate in a caregiver program, which runs alongside the children’s group.

FRIENDS FOR LIFE (FFL) – Ages 8 to 11 years

FRIENDS FOR LIFE, developed by Dr Paula Barrett, is a world leading evidence-based early intervention and prevention program designed to build emotional resilience.  It is a cognitive behavioural program designed to combat anxiety, stress and depression by teaching specific life skills.

FFL is for children aged 8 to 11 years and their carer/s or parent/s.  FFL is unique from other children’s groups in that not only the child but also the parent is involved in the program.

Groups for children with additional needs

Groups can be daunting for children with a disability or learning difficulty.  I believe that children of all abilities should be welcomed, included and supported to attend group programs.  I have tailored both the Fun Friends and Friends for Life Program to specifically cater for children that have additional sensory, emotional, attention or behavioural needs.  The following program adjustments have been made:

  • The program content is designed for children with basic reading and/or writing skills.  However, if your child has capacity to understand verbal content but struggles with literacy we can provide additional scaffolding and support to assist them cope with the group materials.

  • Participants are required to follow instructions and work co-operatively with their peers however, children who struggle with managing their behavior and/or emotions in the group will be supported in an inclusive and positive manner. 

  • The program is sensitive to your child’s sensory and emotional needs.  We are very flexible in delivery of session content by providing additional breaks as the need arises, scaffold children’s relationship building and provide a sensory corner for calm down/quiet time. 

Group Therapy: Services
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